Tung-Ching Lin, Yi-Shun Wang, Yu-Yin Wang
Behaviour & Information Technology
While previous research has emphasised the importance of business skills for information systems (IS) developers in the process of IS development, few studies have investigated the determinants of IS developers’ behavioural intention to learn business skills. The current study explores the factors affecting IS developers’ intention to learn business skills based on previous theories and research. Data collected from 258 valid respondents are tested against the research model using the partial least-squares approach. The results indicate that both job involvement and career insight have significant positive effects on extrinsic and intrinsic motivations for learning business skills. Additionally, learning self-efficacy is not only found to have a significant influence on learning intention, but is also found to have a moderating effect on the positive relationship between intrinsic motivation and learning intention. The findings of this study provide several important theoretical and practical implications for IS developers’ behaviour of learning business skills.
IS development, learning business skills, motivation theory, job involvement, career insight