

年份 作者姓名 標題 期刊類型 期刊名稱 卷:期
2014 Yang, S. C. *, Chen, C. Y. & Chen, A. S. A study of Taiwanese teens’ traditional and cyberbullying behaviors. SCI/SSCI Journal of Educational Computing Research 50(4)
2014 Liu, C. J., & Yang, S. C. Using the Community of Inquiry model to investigate students' knowledge construction in asynchronous online discussions SCI/SSCI Journal of Educational Computing Research 51(3)
2014 Liao, Da-chi, Hsin-Che Wu, and Chen-Hsun Li Dual Legitimacy in the Development of the Network City - A Case Study of Kaohsiung City Council SCI/SSCI Lex localis-Journal of Local Self-Government Vol. 12, No. 3
2014 Lee, F. L. F.; Liu, F. C. S. The impact of political party support on interpersonal political discussion: survey evidence from two chinese societies SCI/SSCI ASIAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION 24(2)
2014 Shaw, Ping and Tan, Yue Constructing Digital Childhoods in Taiwanese Children’s Newspapers SCI/SSCI New Media & Society
2014 Shaw, Ping and Tan, Yue Feminism and social change: Women’s place in Taiwan newspaper and public opinion SCI/SSCI Asian Journal of Communication
2014 Shaw, Ping and Tan, Yue Race and Masculinity: A comparison of Asian and Western Models in Men’s Lifestyle Magazine Advertisements SCI/SSCI Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 91(1)
2014 Hsinya Huang Review of Trans-Indigenous: Methodologies for Global Native Literary Studies. Native/Asian Encounters, Special Issue AHCI College Literature Volume 41, Number 1
2014 蔣麗君、張其祿 政府推動雲端運算之服務角色與功能 TSSCI 臺灣民主季刊 第十一卷,第二期
2014 劉建人,楊淑晴 Web 2.0 科技融入大學協作式課程之研究:使用探究社群模型比較 Wiki 融入與線上討論教學 TSSCI 課程與教學季刊 17(2)
2014 王璦玲 雖名為傳奇,卻實是一段有聲有色明史──論董榕《芝龕記》中之演史、評史與詮史 THCI Core論文 戲劇研究 13
2014 楊婉儀 從認識與體驗談啟蒙與反啟蒙 其他國際期刊 世界哲學 第2期
2014 Tung-Ching Lin, Kuang-Ting Cheng, Sheng Wu Knowledge Integration in ISD Project Teams: A Transactive Memory Perspective 其他國際期刊 Open Journal of Business and Management, Vol.2, No.4
2014 Chen, Boyu. Sovereignty or Identity? The Significance of the Diaoyutai/Senkaku Islands Dispute for Taiwan 其他國際期刊 Perceptions, No.1,
2014 Lai, J. C., & Yang, S. C Using the technology acceptance model to examine seniors’ attitudes toward facebook 其他國際期刊 International Journal of Computer, Information, Systems and Control Engineering 8(6)