

年份 作者姓名 標題 期刊類型 期刊名稱 卷:期
2017 Shi, Y., Chang, C.P., Jang, C.L. and Hao, Y. Does economic performance affect officials’ turnover? Evidence from municipal government leaders in China SCI/SSCI Quality & Quantity
2017 S.-Y. Hwang, C.-P. Wei, C. –H. Lee, and Y.-S. Chen, Coauthorship Network-based Literature Recommendation with Topic Model, SCI/SSCI Online Information Review, 41(3),
2017 Chou, H.-Y. and Singhal, D. Nostalgia Advertising and Young Indian Consumers: The Power of Old Songs, TSSCI Asia Pacific Management Review, 22(3)
2017 許琬甄、江佳勳、楊淑晴 國小高效能感教師之探究 TSSCI 課程與教學 20(3),
2017 譚躍,蕭蘋 男性氣概和運動: 運動員模特兒在男性生活時尚雜誌廣告中的形象分析 TSSCI 傳播研究與實踐, 7(2),
2017 涂敏芬、王妙如、陳世哲 一般管理領域熱門議題與研究展望之分析:2013-2015 TSSCI 組織與管理 10(2)
2017 林正士、周軒逸 「服務品質與服務補救期望對旅運涉入之影響:以金廈小三通為例 其他國內期刊 品質學報 24(1)
2016 Chang, Te-min, Kao, Hao-Yun, *Wu, Jen-Her, and Su, Yu-Feng Improving Practitioner’s Performance with a Stroke CDSS: A Cognitive Fit Approach SCI/SSCI Computers in Human Behavior 54
2016 Lin, F.-R., Chou, S.Y., Liao, D. and Hao, D Automatic Content Analysis of Media Framing by Text Mining Techniques 其他國際期刊 Proceedings of the 49th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
2016 Liang, T.P., Li, X., Yang, C.T. and Wang, M. What in Consumer Reviews Affects the Sales of Mobile Apps: A Multifacet Sentiment Analysis Approach SCI/SSCI International Journal of Electronic Commerce Vol. 20, No. 2
2016 Chen , D.N. and Liang , T.P. Knowledge diversity and firm performance: an ecological view SCI/SSCI Journal of Knowledge Management Vol. 20, No. 4,
2016 Wu, Jen-Her, Li, Qi, and Wei, K.K Alibaba's IT Platform and Electronic Commerce Synergy in Driving “Singles’ Day SCI/SSCI Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 26(3)
2016 Chang, Te-Min, Kao, Hao-Yun, Wu, Jen-Her, and Su, Yu-Feng Improving Physicians' Performance with a Stroke CDSS: A Cognitive Fit Design Approach SCI/SSCI Computers in Human Behavior 54
2016 Wang, S.S. To Tweet or not to Tweet: Factors affecting the intensity of Twitter use in Japan and the online and offline sociocultural norms SCI/SSCI International Journal of Communication 10(24),
2016 Wang, S.S. More than words? The effect of Line character sticker use on intimacy in mobile communication environment. SCI/SSCI Social Science Computer Review 34(4),