

年份 作者姓名 標題 期刊類型 期刊名稱 卷:期
2011 Chen, D.N. and Liang, T.P. Knowledge Evolution Strategies and Organizational Performance: A Strategic Fit Analysis SCI/SSCI Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 10:1
2011 Liang, T.P. and Yeh, Y.H. Effect of use contexts on the continuous use of mobile services – the case of mobile games SCI/SSCI Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 15:2
2011 Hsu, J., Jiang, J.J., Klein, G., Liang, T.P. and Wu, S. Promoting the Integration of Users and Developers to Achieve a Collective Mind through the Screening of Information System Projects SCI/SSCI International Journal of Project Management 29:5
2011 Liang, T.P. and Turban, E. Introduction to the Special Issue: A Research Framework for Social Commerce SCI/SSCI International Journal of Electronic Commerce 16:2
2011 Liang, T.P., Ho, Y.T., Li, Y.W., and Turban, E. What Drives Social Commerce: The Role of Social Support and Relationship Quality SCI/SSCI International Journal of Electronic Commerce 16:2
2011 林正士、練乃華、周軒逸 另類廣告不一致:品牌來源國與品牌消費文化定位之觀點 其他國內期刊 廣告學研究 第36集
2011 Chou, H.-Y. and Lien, N.-H. What Does a Negative Political Ad Really Say? The Effects of Different Content Dimensions 其他國際期刊 Journal of Marketing Communications 17(4)
2011 Chou, H.-Y., Lien, N.-H., and Liang, K.-Y. The Antecedents and Belief-Polarized Effects of Thought Confidence SCI/SSCI The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied 145(5)
2011 周軒逸、陳怡伶、練乃華 部落格迴響一致性對讀者態度之影響 TSSCI 管理評論 第30卷,第一期
2011 Chun-I Fan, Ruei-Hau Hsu, Pei-Hsiu Ho Truly Non-Repudiation Certificateless Short Signature Scheme from Bilinear Pairings SCI/SSCI Journal of Information Science and Engineering 27:3
2011 賴香菊,黃三益,梁定澎,洪新原,吳祥麟 臺灣資訊管理學術單位學術期刊論文發表狀況 TSSCI 資管學報 第十八期第三卷
2010 Efraim Turban · Ting-Peng Liang · Shelly P. J.Wu A Framework for Adopting Collaboration 2.0 Tools for Virtual Group Decision Making
2010 Ting-Peng Liang, James Jiang, Gary S. Klein, and Julie Yu-Chih Liu Software Quality as Influenced by Informational Diversity, Task Conflict, and Learning in Project Teams IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT
2010 Hong Guo, Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay, Hsing Cheng, Yu-chen Yang Net Neutrality and Vertical Integration of Content and Broadband Services SCI/SSCI Journal of Management Information Systems 27:2
2010 Tung-Ching Lin and Chien-Chih Huang Withholding Effort in Knowledge Contribution: The Role of Social Exchange and Social Cognitive on Project Teams SCI/SSCI Information & management 47:3