

年份 作者姓名 標題 期刊類型 期刊名稱 卷:期
2012 Liang, T.P., Chen, H.Y., Turban, E. and Du. T. Effect of Personalization on the Perceived Usefulness of Online Customer Services: A Dual-Core Theory SCI/SSCI Journal of Electronic Commerce Research 13:4
2012 Liang, T.P., Wu, C.H., Jiang, J.J. and Klein, G. The Impact of Value Diversity on Information Systems Development Project SCI/SSCI International Journal of Project Management 30:2
2012 周軒逸、周繼祥 手機政治簡訊的廣告效果之探索性研究:臺灣北部五所大學生的試驗 TSSCI 政治科學論叢 54期
2012 周軒逸、練乃華 當簡訊遇上前導:品牌熟悉度、互動性、個人化、誘因之好奇效果 TSSCI 臺大管理論叢 第23卷,第1期
2012 Lien, N.-H., Chou, H.-Y., and Chang, C.-H. Advertising Effectiveness and the Match-up Hypothesis: Examining Spokesperson Sex, Attractiveness Type, and Product Image 其他國際期刊 Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising 33(2)
2012 林正士、練乃華、周軒逸 產品來源國聯想與廣告內容不一致之廣告效果 TSSCI 管理與系統 第19卷,第三期
2012 Chou, H.-Y. and Lien, N.-H. The Effects of Incentive Types and Appeal Regulatory Framing in Travel Advertising SCI/SSCI The Service Industries Journal 32(6)
2012 Chun-I Fan, Chien-Nan Wu, Wei-Kuei Chen, Wei-Zhe Sun Attribute-Based Strong Designated-Verifier Signature Scheme SCI/SSCI Journal of Systems and Software 85:4
2012 Chun-I Fan, Ruei-Hau Hsu, Wei-Kuei Chen Privacy Protection for VANETs by Using an Efficient Revocable Message Authentication Scheme SCI/SSCI Security and Communication Networks 5:5
2012 An-Shou Cheng, Kenneth R. Fleischmann, Ping Wang, Emi Ishita, Douglas W. Oard The Role of Innovation and Wealth in the Net Neutrality Debate: A Content Analysis of Human Values in Congressional and FCC Hearings SCI/SSCI Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 63:7
2011 Lee, Y.C. m-brand loyalty and post-adoption variations for the mobile data services: Gender differences SCI/SSCI Computers in Human Behavior 27
2011 Lee, Y.C. Competitive relationships between traditional and contemporary telecommunication services in Taiwan SCI/SSCI Telecommunications Policy 35
2011 Lee, Y.C., Chu, P.Y., & Tseng, H.L. orporate performance of ICT-enabled business process re-engineering SCI/SSCI Industrial Management & Data Systems 111 (5)
2011 Lee, Y. C. Reciprocal effects of media extensions Eurasian Business Review 1(1)
2011 李雅靖、李展全 英語學習市場之資源競爭研究 其他國內期刊 中原企管評論 9(1)